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Work Comp Audit, GL audit, Insurance Audits

Part 4/5 Understanding Audit Results and Disputing Discrepancies

The culmination of your audit voyage arrives in the form of an audit statement, a scroll of sorts, unraveling the tale of your business's risk exposure and the premium you owe. This statement could tell one of three tales - an increase in your premium, a decrease, or it could maintain status quo, echoing the initial estimate.

But what if this tale reads differently from what you expected? What if the numbers just don't seem to align with your business narrative? Fear not, the story isn't set in stone. You hold the quill and have the right to question discrepancies and contest the audit results.

If the auditor’s interpretation doesn’t match your understanding, or you stumble upon errors, you have the power to dispute the findings. Gather your evidence, marshal your facts, and prepare to engage in a constructive dialogue with your insurance company. This isn't about an adversarial showdown, but an opportunity to seek clarity, to ensure that your premium truly mirrors your business's risk exposure.

So, should discrepancies dance across your audit statement, don’t shy away from questioning. Remember, your goal is a fair and accurate premium, reflecting the true colors of your business’s risk panorama. This is yet another chapter in your insurance journey, a step towards tailoring your coverage to your business's unique story. Brace yourself for this dialogue with your insurance company, viewing it as yet another stepping stone in your quest for a fair and balanced premium.

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